How to Start Developing Your Personal Brand By Learning to Write Copy In Your Own Voice more about mike Mike Kim is a speaker and marketing strategist who specializes in brand strategy and copywriting. He’s been hired by some of today’s most influential thought leader brands including John Maxwell, Donald Miller, Suzanne Evans, and Catalyst. For years he was the Chief Marketing Officer of a successful multi-million dollar company near […]

How to Use the Right Communication to Care for your Customers & Motivate Your Team

more about mike Since 2011, Mike has trained nearly 10,000 people on how to deliver presentations (yes, he’s giving a presentation about giving presentations. It’s very meta). If you’re impressed by name-dropping, you’ll be happy to know his client list includes: Google, Nike, Starbucks, Microsoft, Department of Homeland Security, Capital One, Slack and Major League Soccer.    Said […]

How to Bring Clarity to Your Brand Message & Reach More Customers

More About Dominique Dominique Glanville is the owner and Principal Consultant for HEIGHTS Strategic Marketing. With over 10 years experience in marketing strategy and execution, Dominique delights in helping businesses and nonprofits grow and thrive. In particular, she takes great joy from architecting masterful campaigns and crafting well-worded copy that moves people to action. Currently […]

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