How to Use the Right Communication to Care for your Customers & Motivate Your Team

more about mike

Since 2011, Mike has trained nearly 10,000 people on how to deliver presentations (yes, he’s giving a presentation about giving presentations. It’s very meta). If you’re impressed by name-dropping, you’ll be happy to know his client list includes: Google, Nike, Starbucks, Microsoft, Department of Homeland Security, Capital One, Slack and Major League Soccer. 


Said another way: if you have used a computer, credit card or search engine today, you’ve been in contact with one of his clients. 


Some of the individuals he’s helped with keynotes include Scott Hamilton, New York Times best-selling authors James ClearDonald Miller and Ian Cron, as well as entrepreneurs like Amy Porterfield and Josh Shipp


He will give you a dollar if you can pronounce his last name correctly.

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