Research and data suggest that companies who inspire their employees with a compelling mission and purpose outperform their competition – and it’s not even close.
In this session, Ben Weaver from Bigger Story will teach you why having a clear purpose and mission is crucial to growing a thriving StartUp. You’ll learn how to create a mission statement that inspires your team, attracts top talent, and leads to better performance and profits.
Clarity on what you stand for, where you’re going, and why it matters is more important than ever. Organizations who inspire their people towards a clear mission, vision & purpose produce higher results and achieve sustainable growth long-term.
On Thursday, November 11th at the Old Post Office in downtown St. Louis, I’m going to show you exactly how to do this inside of your StartUp so you can inspire your team and increase your reach and profits. I can’t wait to host you!
It’s on! Experience the programs, the spaces, and the biggest annual events of this vibrant startup community. Celebrate the successes of 2021 and learn about the resources available for powering your startup and growing your company. Engage and connect with the thousands of people from the St. Louis startup community at this celebration of all things entrepreneurial and uniquely St. Louis.
Click the button below and Register for the event, either online on in-person. It is Thursday, November 11th at the Lindenwood University Downtown Campus (Old Post Office at 3PM or virtually on Zoom.
We are gathering together like-minded people who have a desire to build people and mission centric companies. Come ready to learn and grow!
We are sharing data & research that will change the trajectory of how you think about your StartUp or organization. We’ll give you practical tools, frameworks and formulas you can use inside your organization to inspire your team and create sustainable growth.
© 2021, Bigger Story LLC
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