A membership community of visionary entrepreneurs who seek
the heart of God and want to thrive in an unstoppable, abundant life.
The collective isn’t for everyone, and few are invited. It’s made for those who are looking for the frontier of their spiritual life, want more of God, and want to do good for The Kingdom.
At the heart of The Collective is not how we can do more but engage with and become the man God meant when He meant us. Here are our principles to guide us to this destination:
In work & life, we choose to live out of a posture of trusting God, rather than our talent.
Relationships are everything and we choose our dynamic with God and others over the mission, every time.
What’s happening beneath the surface of our lives guides everything that is happening above and the fruits we produce.
We can do nothing without Christ, so we choose to abide in Him over striving for more that cannot fill.
The trail to becoming unstoppable in who you are and what you do is the path less traveled. Here are the key ideas we talk about in our gatherings. Our aim is to set our entire being on the heart of God and what He has for us:
Our lives are spent living in small stories we can control. In the collective, we explore awareness of God’s Bigger Story and the invitation that awaits us every day to partner with God.
We were made to thrive as God’s Sons in His Bigger Story – courageous, confident, and fully resourced, having everything we need. We must recover this identity to live the life of abundance we seek.
We are created to rule and reign – made to take on a priestly role in God’s endeavors for us. Understanding our mission is critical to our success and what God has entrusted to our care with our families and endeavors.
Operating from a posture of rest is critical to the vision and direction God has given to you. For us to take the long road, we must learn to engage in a rhythm of rest.
Many visionary entrepreneurs work out of isolation with minimal impact. If we will choose to lock arms together in a collective vision for what God is doing in our world, the impact is immeasurable.
What if we could be unstoppable? What if we could live our day-to-day lives from a deep well of abundance and strength? What if the vision God has given us for our endeavors was not the end but only the means to a greater end of becoming great men?
These questions and more flood my heart as I think about the life God has for us as business leaders and entrepreneurs. Men, we were made for more than just striving in small stories we can control. We were made to abide and thrive in God’s Bigger Story.
You are here on purpose. Your name and face were brought to the hearts of those putting this community together. Let’s see where your curiosity takes you.
Schedule a call with me today, and let’s take a road less traveled where only a few go. It’s the road to fullness, wholeheartedness, and a life with God our minds cannot comprehend but is offered to us daily.
For The Kingdom,
Ben Weaver
We meet twice per month on Zoom. We utilize other resources to connect digitally in between calls and plans to gather in-person in 2024.
While The Collective is still taking shape, you can expect a community of other like-minded men who are passionate about what they do in the world, but even more dedicated to who they are becoming in the process. Our calls are not meant to be a burden, but act as a placeholder for rest, rejuvenation and divine direction on what you’re up against in your story.
Ben Weaver is the Founder of Bigger Story, a coaching and consulting firm dedicated to helping high-level leaders, their families, and the organizations they lead step into the bigger story they were created for.
Ben holds a Master’s degree with an emphasis on spiritual formation and leadership. He is an author, speaker, and thought leader and has over 20 years of experience as a pastor and non-profit leader. He lives in St. Louis, MO, with his beautiful bride Shauna and their two daughters.
Currently, The Collective is a membership based community that operates on a month-by-month basis. If it’s not your jam, you can opt out at any time.
No problem. Send an e-mail to info@biggerstory.com or better yet, Schedule An Interest Call with Ben and see where your curiosity takes you.
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